(Dropped at Wily 3)

The real first mega man, a definite improvement over the 1987 one and, with the exception of the final stretch of the game, a very solid one. It still suffers from a LOT of outdated design decisions, and iffy enemy placements at points, but boss design for the most part is a blast, and stages tend to be on the fun side more often than not.

Replaying this game I have found a new amount of respect for its design and honestly, I might come back to it sometime in the future.

Still wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but honestly, THIS is a solid start to a series.

...the Wily Fortress stages can go SUCK MY ASS tho.

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2023


1 year ago

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1 year ago

skill issue

11 months ago

For the guy who sent me a Skill Issue. God I wish I could like your message so fucking much, you have no idea, god bless your souls MM2's strongest warrior.