8 reviews liked by Ch1c

One of the best horror games ever made. Even when I taught myself to speedrun it and became completely desensitized to the atmosphere and monsters it STILL, with its masterfully written plot, manages to freak me out a little no matter how many times I replay

Can be a little frustrating when playing on hard action level which means playing for best result can be quite rage inducing but if you're just looking to get cozy in front of your TV and freak yourself out with a horror game then it doesn't get much better than this

The Greatest Game Of All Time

I don't know how to say i love it just... Banger

Mr. WorldWide APPROUVED : 👍

this game is beautiful and even though there’s no gameplay I’ve found myself replaying it multiple times. Lain has always been my favorite show through multiple rewatches and this game just builds on what I adored about the show.

This is a PSA:

Do NOT play the PSP rerelease of this game.

Play the fan-translated PS1 version of the game instead.

The original version has:

-A fun and experimental semi-automatic battle system that only requires player input to set-up commands, and pause to edit them. This allows for fast action, natural discovery of teamwork fusion attacks, and player experimentation with the card/negotiation system.

-actual challenge that ramps up as you play and makes the player think about their compositions and actions.

-loading screens only during loading saves and loading up the game

-a far superior UI aesthetic and generally more unified vision with regard to visuals, music, and battle voice lines

-is amazing

The PSP version has:

-a butchered version of the combat system that forces the player to repeatedly input the same commands at the start of every turn for no reason whatsoever

-absolutely no challenge, even on hard mode.

-loading before every fight

-slowed down battle animations

-script censorship

-if you see reviews calling this game a slog to play, it's cause they played this one
I personally played the psp version twice, not knowing at all about these differences. I played the ps1 version once and it was like a whole new game. I don't know how they fucked up the psp version so bad with the combat and balancing, but I've heard the psp version of the sequel is much better (although the fan translation is yet to come out).

The one downside of playing the ps1 version of this game is that the fan translation has a little bit of that old 2000's era language in it in places and can feel like a bit of a relic (uses the word "gay" as a kind of insult for the sake of a translated pun(?) in a few places, among other stuff, but overall wasn't the worst and otherwise felt well-done and accurately localized, the translator is a bit of a legend in the realm of fan-made localizations).

my save got corrupted because i used cheats. my innocent sin really did cause this eternal punishment