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Time Played

155h 7m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 28, 2021

Platforms Played


Yakuza 3 has a surprisingly bad reputation and I'd like to take some moments to address that. It's often referred to as the worst in the series and now that I've finally played through it I'm pretty baffled by this. This isn't entirely just people preferring the super refined gameplay of Yakuza 0 either, I remember seeing this opinion before 0 even released.

The combat is what gets the most flak and to a degree I can see why, it's a direct sequel to a ps2 game and it's still figuring some things out. However if you engage with the multiple masters, the weapon systems, all the heat actions you can unlock, then you seriously should not be having a bad time. You're upset that you have to block a lot? Blocking generates Heat and the game gives you three parry type moves including one that you can activate FROM block. The game gives you a great toolkit to deal with enemies as early as chapter 5 and I feel like the people complaining about the combat haven't taken full advantage of it.

I see people call the story boring and bland too. And sure, it has a pretty slow start, but I think that's actually the point. Kiryu just wants a peaceful life with his kids and doesn't want to get wrapped up in another conspiracy and the game does a great job of making you feel that way too. You spend a lot of time early on at the orphanage, walking around Ryukyu and soaking in the local culture. You really get to know the kids you're taking care of and their struggles as not just kids but orphans. This is a vacation for Kiryu and the plots and the backstabbing want to rip this moment of rest away from him once again. You get to know local Yakuza and compared to their big city alternative they're wholesome and fun to be around. The conspirators keep poking the wasp nest though and eventually the player AND Kiryu are hooked into the conspiracy and have to settle things. There's a chance I'm reading into things too much but it really felt like that's what they were going for and it really worked for me.

And that's just the conspiracy side of things, the plot around that is adorable, heartwrenching, and so endearing. It made me love Kiryu even more, showing me sides of him I forgot he had, and some that I didn't even know. Rikiya is an incredible side kick character and probably up there with some of the best characters in the series for me. I could go on and on about different characters but the point is they were all very engaging and added a lot to this title.

Anyhow, this game is gorgeous, especially so for a remaster of an earlier PS3 title. I went into first person mode a lot just to soak in all the details that the developers put in. Ryukyu has so many interesting nooks and crannies that you wouldn't notice if you just sped through the game. I loved just pausing and looking upwards to see what I could notice. Not to mention this is Kamurocho's first debut on an HD console and man! It's gotten the same love Ryukyu did and then some. While this is pretty standard for Yakuza I feel like it always deserves praise. These don't feel like hollow cities, they feel real and lived in, not just visually but auditorily as well.

As you should expect from a Yakuza title it has a whole heap of content for you to sink your teeth into. I'm maybe 80% done with the substories but there is still a good amount to go. Playing minigames rewards you with them too. (Complete the bowling requirements, it's funny!) There are a lot of good minigames this time around. One of my favorites being Boxcellios, this fast paced space shooter where you're challenged with killing 50+ alien ships as quick as you can.

In conclusion, please don't skip it! Yakuza 3 ended up being one of my favorites in a series that I think doesn't have a genuinely bad entry. You're going to meet so many interesting characters and have a blast if you give this a chance.