4 Reviews liked by Chadiversity

(The GBA version really ought to have its own page, as it's a completely different game)

Unlike the household simulator it takes its name from, The Sims: Bustin' Out is a mission based life sim that has you controlling a character taking a holiday vacation in SimValley, and while decorating your home is part of the gameplay, you spend more time outside the house than in it -- hence the title.

And it was pretty fun and imaginative, way more than what you'd expect from an ostensive cash-grab spin-off. It had a complete storyline in which you went from living in a literal barn to owning a mansion while helping everyone else in town. Instead of a traditional career, the game had you taking all these odd jobs around town, such as bartending, mowing grass or making pizza.

It was a really fun twist on The Sims's formula that not many people noticed existed.

Weird how they list the handheld and console version as the same game when they couldn't be more different from each other. Anyways, the GBA version is insanely good. Good ass 2.5D graphics, good ass soundtrack, and funny ass dialogue.