just replayed moon for the second time. after playing moon for the first time I fell in love with the game and every aspect of it. The story, characters, music, even to the little details that only I (someone who is obsessed with games of this nature) would find. 100% it the first time, collecting all the love and was really happy. But a year past and I with the new PC version coming out, I knew i had to replay it.

I was really scared though. "What if it was just a fluke? What if I just was so hyperfocused on liking it that I was blind to shit that I never noticd? What if it isnt fun on the second playthrough?" these were all thoughts that were flooding through my head as I was waiting for the Steam release of Moon. And when I got it again, it was love at first sight once again. Refell in love with the characters, music, themes, and yes even the little details. First time I playthrough the game I needed a little help from a Guide, and now 1 year later I barely used it.

The game still is not perfect, the fishing is a little annoying (coming from the dude who first tried the fishing tourney, so you KNOW its bad), and some of the missions / catches were just super lame. But when this game is good, its fucking on top of the world. Every part of this game comes together to make something truly magical.

When I first beat Moon for the first time, I proclaimed to all my friends that Moon was the greatest game i ever played. After playing it again around a year later, I can still make this claim. anyone and everyone should at least experience moon once.

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2021
