Well, this was my first ever favorite video game, so how does it stack up after all these years later?


-Banger soundtrack, one of my favorites from the franchise.
-Amazing sprites and designs for the most part.
-Decent platformer to pick up and finish in an hour.
-Tons of challenges and extra content.
-Some really good levels like Tornado Man and Concrete Man.
-Amazing weapons.

-Lackluster boss lineup, especially coming off of the heels of the previous games.
-Usually relies on spike hazards and cheap obstacle placement, though it shouldn’t be too hard to deal with after some tries.
-Lack of rewards in the levels. You only get one E-tank from the robot master stages so you’ll have to use the shop to get through the Wily stages.
-Speaking of which, the worst shop system in the classic series by a landslide.
-Your only incentive to use the weapons is to fight enemies due to the lack of multiple routes like in 6, or stage hazards working with these weapons like in 8.
-Getting rid of the slide and charge shot was the biggest mistake. People said that was what ruined the later classic games when in reality it only made them more tight and fun to speed through.

It’s just a disappointingly bland platformer. It’s technically better than 5 for its short length and side content but this is probably the most bland classic experience yet. At least with 1 and 2 I can excuse their shite for being the first games in the series, but 2008 and we’ve only regressed from the design of the previous games. That’s just sad. Probably my least favorite classic game so far but it might swap between 5 and this game, I’m not sure.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2021
