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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 19, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I would write a longer review, but I don't think many will see it or even bother to read it. Ultimately, it's a decent game that can eat up a few hours of your time if you're into Vampire Survivor clones, or whatever we're calling them. After that, the game becomes quite a chore. I spent many hours earning all of the achievements, and I was burned out long before the halfway point.

Spellbook Demonslayers has a needless amount of complexity in its mechanics that goes underutilized. Build diversity falls off of a cliff at higher difficulties, the rewards feel quite pointless for actually completing these difficulties, and the developer seems more interested in promoting other games while shamelessly copying ideas into their own games (they are obviously a big fan of SMT Nocturne).

For these reasons, I think the game is a skip, but I may change my mind when the game leaves Early Access.