May, 2024


In other news, in Chapter 2 Verse 2 Legna got "intimate" with some poison spewing rocks. Over did the accelerate a little too much and that was the hilarious result of it.


Back on my love/hate relationship with Takamasa AKA the lose huge chunks of my health for victory. Longsword.



Meanwhile, my knack for getting the most amusing screenshots whenever I hit pause. Never fails to make me laugh.


And onto Playthrough 2.
Meanwhile my method intentionally getting whoever I'm currently levelling up on DOD2 killed on Playthrough 2, just so I can level them up faster.

Never fails to work out so well.


Made Caim look stupid, because I cheesed Tornado's Eye it was glorious.


And up next the part I like to call "Angelus's circles of masochism" and to add insult to injury it's timed.


Okay, the English VA for Urick is still my favourite. The Japanese one isn't doing it for me 🙃

I may or may not lead a bunch of Minotaurs in the general direction of some Magicians, lets just say I've been laughing at the chaos I may have caused because of this.


99h 59m

And Playthrough 2 is going to be fun because well, I get to re-grind Gismor's "fuck you" Longsword AKA Pitch Black again. I mean it's cool we get his weapons and all, but Pitch Black is a subtle "fuck you" from Gismor for beating him twice.

Gismor's still salty because Hanch's poison didn't exactly do what he wanted it to, and his hate boner increased ten fold.


76h 25m

And the Knights in the District of Hallowed Water are in for a bad time, once I'm done levelling up Philosopher's Staff.


59h 10m

And no matter how many times I do the final puzzle in Chapter 2, I have to keep reminding myself that those little notes the enemies drop are counter intuitive. Little curve-ball the game devs threw in there and it's brilliant.
Knowing I can waltz my through the next three Chapters with Silver Butterfly, and being a over-levelled bully fills me with so much glee.


37h 22m

And the Knight Guards in Chapter 3 are in for a bad time, once I level this baby up.

By that I mean, them getting a blast of Orion's Dart and them getting thrown into the air.


And I like to call todays grind a success, because getting my favourite Longsword, levelled up by two levels in a day and a half is pretty good going for me.


13h 52m

Looking forward to speed running the first few verses of Chapter 2, so I can over-level and level up my favourite weapon.

Messed around in the game settings because I accidentally turned the blood settings off. By sheer dumb luck I got it back after spending a stupid amount of time after tinkering with the settings again.

Also realising that whoever voiced Legna in the Japanese version, sounds like a Takeshi's Castle reboot commentator. I can't unhear it.
Chapter 2 Verse 3 is going to be fun and I've nearly got Soldier's Sword up to Level 4.

Yeah, lets just say I know how to use the Chain system effectively. And how to level up both weapons and character quick.
And Chapter 2 Verse 4 will be a breeze, because I like being a over-levelled bully.
And by the time I eventually get round to completing Chapters 2 and 3 yeah, by then I'll be level 33-35.

Because I'm stubborn.



Oh, this is interesting I have to jump through hoops to access the options menu. This is fun I had to button mash my way to work this out.

Okay going to have get used to using O instead of X because this version has thrown my muscle memory a little.

I also hate that they made Gismor sound so good, meanwhile the English voice actor made him sound so much like you wanted to hate him, but here in the Japanese version I like his voice actor. 🙃

And kudos to whoever voices Eris, she sounds so eager I love it.

Okay she's voiced by Saki Aibu I wonder what other games this woman voiced in, because I like her already.

The English voice actor for Eris was always so serious and she had her moments, meanwhile Saki here makes Eris sound excited and happy.

This is turning out to be quite fun.

And glad there's little difference between the English voice actor of my comfort character and the Japanese one. I'm a happy bunny because the Japanese voice actor also has a calming voice too. I won.
I still like to think that somewhere in the District of Soul Flame, Manah and her people are just itching to set off some poisonous smoke from those rocks, and they're just counting down.

And Manah's like:
"Okay, okay...Go!"


Now excuse me while I go into no sleepville because I can play DOD2 in its native language (Japanese). Because my region free PS2 arrived, just have to take photos of my default settings for this game and switch the scart plugs and I'm good to go.


Finally succeeded in getting a Behemoth stuck inside the District of Shining Life passage.


Behemoths are the most amusing enemies in this game, and so, so exploitable for the most comedic reasons.


Killed a Magician normally they disappear after they kick the bucket. I broke the game again.

April, 2024


So my TV backlight gave out, sod's law kind of put a stop to the grind I was doing was nearing 190,000 kills too. Anyway looking to find two replacement TVs just because I like having a back-up plan in the future.