Genuinely one of the best things to come out of the switch and a genius bit of kit. Ring fit is a hell of a workout and makes me soak with sweat, but equally as important - its well designed and great fun.

Ring fit’s colourful art style, varied gameplay modes and rpg elements in adventure are all strongly executed to make this an enjoyable and immensely replayable fitness game that keeps me coming back. I particularly like how the game encourages you through its sections, my favourite parts are the jogging levels which fly by because of how it always switches up what you need to be doing - collecting rings, jumping, shooting wind blasts, getting past obstacles, riding ziplines, its great food for my attention lacking brain and actually turns the otherwise mind numbing practice of jogging on the spot into something I enjoy, congrats ring fit!

The ring itself is an amazingly sturdy and versatile piece of equipment that isn’t expensive but you wouldn’t be able to tell because of how good it feels to use. I often find the joy cons’ motion detection quite hit or miss but for whatever reason its almost flawless in this game. Sometimes the game has trouble detecting that you’re in the right starting position and you can’t start an exercise until it does, but there’s ways around it, that’s the only fault i’ve noticed.

Adventure mode does lose its appeal after a while and is honestly a bit too slow with giving you fit skills so you end up doing the same exercises way too much so I only do custom workouts now. The voice acting can be very grating especially when you are dying inside from planking or something so this game gets turned all the way down while I stick music on lol. Otherwise, excellent game that I recommend to basically everyone, its actually great ngl

Reviewed on Sep 13, 2023
