Brawl is, by no measure, the best Smash game from a technical, competitive, or content standpoint. Ultimate has it beat in all three, and Melee certainly beats it in a competitive setting.

That said, this was my first Smash game, so nostalgia definitely plays a part in my enjoyment of it. That said, this game has something the other two don't: Subspace Emissary.

While not a perfect campaign, the fact that they created a world to tell an epic crossover narrative where Link and Mario are fighting each other and Snake and Lucario are working together on the Halberd is such a magical experience. Obviously Smash isn't a "platformer," so the platforming levels aren't the best thing I've ever seen. But it's certainly more than what we would get in future titles.

The way the campaign works in unlocking characters is also genius, and I do wish that the series had continued using this idea.

Reviewed on May 07, 2023
