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13 hrs ago

1 day ago

inbox reviewed Zombie Virus
Yes, the premise is intriguing, and yes, the start of this game is entrancing, but it will be ~10 hours of increasingly bad level design and maybe the worst boss design in anything i've ever played. All of those past the first take 10-15 minutes and all of that time is spent waiting for them to stop fucking around and go into the one position where they aren't invulnerable. don't even need to dodge attacks most of the time!
Really, I can tell you that I would've kept grinding (yes, grinding, it's 1-2 hours per small area) through the increasingly winding and impossible to navigate areas if they didn't decide to introduce ice physics in the last one. Ice physics in a driving game are one step further into depravity than anybody should ever go.
soundtrack is massive though oh my god

3 days ago

inbox completed Zombie Virus

3 days ago

3 days ago

inbox is now playing Zombie Virus

3 days ago

5 days ago

MonkeyJumbo48 completed Halo 4

7 days ago

inbox commented on Anthinja's review of Plague Inc: Evolved
You dont need to write reviews if you dont want to

8 days ago

inbox reviewed Monster Trux: Arenas
this is literally the EXACT same game as Offroad eXtreme but with different models what the fuck was their problem

11 days ago

11 days ago

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