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Well, side missions are totally better than in Arkham City. While I really love some of them, I hate others, and specially yet, I've got found feelings about others.

Deacon Blackfire's mission is quite fun! But my issue with it is its lack of background and preparation. It's just a one-mission story, with a bit of background if you ever get to go inside Jack Ryder's office at GCPD and listen to the tapes (which I did for the first time ever during this playthrough). Ryder's an interesting character by himself since he's such a punchable guy; and I would've loved some more obligatory preparation so the climax feels like a climax.

Firefly's mission is fun, just that... Which I kinda hate, I wanted more story there, but the mission has always been fine for me forever, and this time it wasn't the case, so not that bad.

Penguin's mission is also fun, and I love the dynamic that the... well, the DYNAMIC duo has in it. One of my favs, actually. I'm proud of you, Dick.

Riddler's mission is SUCH an improvement in terms of collectibles coming from Arkham City's. I loved to see so much less of the locations screaming RIDDLER every time I looked around. Although, his challenges were cooler back in AC, it's still a fun mission to go through though; and I loved the stories more this time.

The Militia's bombs are actually pretty fun once you fully upgrade the Batmobile. My hot take, really! Although, yeah, this mission is trash if you haven't got those upgrades. Deathstroke's boss fight is really disappointing tho.

The watchtowers were my favorites during my first playthrough, they are just so... Addictive! I LOVE the satisfying feeling of just seeing the city getting less red all over and that dominating feeling it gives you. Fun as hell.

Professor Pyg's mission is a masterpiece to me, specially remembering the first time through. Seeing those bodies, the opera music, and the final battle... GOSH I love it!!! Pyg became one of my favorite villains ever since.

Hush's mission is TRASH. Nothing more to say there, aside from telling the writers this: What the fuck?

Azrael's mission is fun, yeah, but just that again, quite a constant issue in this game really. But I do like it tho.

The car chases are really fun and I loved them! More points since you get to play them with other batmobiles.

The Fire Fighters are really fun too and kinda feel like the direct improvement of the political prisoners in AC. Still, I hate how difficult it is sometimes to find them.

Two-face's mission could've been way greater. I could complain about how much he feels like a cartoon in this game, but he has been one since AC. It's worse here tho. Also, fun gameplay.

Man-Bat!!!!! Holy shit is he so much fun! My only issue with this mission is that you can beat it in a really short time.

The Militia Checkpoints feel just the same for me as the watchtowers, lovely!

And that's it! Hope you liked this small review. :)

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2024
