Quite simply, one of the best video games ever made. I've lost count of the amount of times I've played this. Which considering it was the only game I had on my snes for years, means it's been a lot of times, I still enjoy it as much as I did 30 odd years ago.

Every level is impeccably designed, filled with bonuses and secrets, yet nothing feels like it's a chore. Even the more difficult levels are fun and rewarding. Everything fits perfectly. A perfect game, a 2d platformer that has yet to be bettered.

Granted, I always feel I've cheated myself if I don't finish this with all 96* levels. Which I didn't do this time. However, I want to keep playing more Mario games. I'm probably going to go with Yoshis Island next as that's Super Mario World 2. And I clearly hate myself.

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2023
