This feels like the incredible leap from the previous game, that Mario 64 did from Super Mario World. Incredible in every way. Yeah there's a few tough and frustrating levels, but when has there not been in a Mario game?

The score for this beaut is just as incredible as the gameplay itself. A real epic and awesome score that accompanies it perfectly. Its probably my favourite music from any Mario game. Especially Gusty Garden Galaxy and the observatory hub. I thought it was pretty neat that there's an arrangement of the n64 boss level music too. Really added to the atmosphere.

The bold bright colours of some of the levels really popped off the screen, and the HD uplift of the switch version gave the visuals an overhaul that rivals a lot of recent games I've played.

Like all the best Mario's, it's an absolute joy to play. Although I must confess, I didn't get the hype back in the Wii days. I thought it was just alright. I was an idiot back then. So not much has changed.

This will be the 6th or 7th Mario I've beaten in the last month or so. Not sure if I'm gonna start a new game on Mario Galaxy 2, as that's on my Wii U and that's in the other room. Super Mario 3D World however...

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2023
