Just before Xmas I picked up the Gears 5/Hivebusters/Tactics bundle with some ms credit I had. Although I played this with a pal when it released on Gamepass, I thought I'd get it to keep as I'm a fan of the series. And I don't always have Gamepass. I started playing Tactics as I enjoyed X Com and Mario +Rabbids, and I did enjoy it. But the further I got through it I just kept thinking that I wish I was playing a regular Gears game.

I put this on and decided I was gonna have a go at it in a harder difficulty. While it proved quite challenging in places and there was a few arena type battles that I had to repeat at least a few times, it felt very rewarding when finally overcoming those challenges. I enjoy the gory cover based gameplay of these games, and despite GoW4 taking a while to get going, I feel the 5th installment is one of the better entries in the series and the Coalition have done a great job carrying on the legacy. I really liked playing as Kait, as she made a nice change to playing as Marcus or JD, or the other one out of Judgement which is also a good game. Kait is also one of only 2 Funko Pops I've ever bought, as such was my fondness for the character at the time, and it being £3 in Home Bargains, but I digress.

The direction this series has taken, I guess you could draw parallels with Halo. The last installment was following a new developer taking the reigns, and while it wasn't bad, it left a lot to be desired. Now we have a non linear take on a tried and tested format, which has everything you enjoyed about the series prior, as well as adding great new features that keeps things from going stale, as well as having an engaging story, too. I'm probably gonna play the other games in the series after this now, and hope we get news on a new game soon. Keen to see where Kait's story goes next. And see more muscle men shoot big muscle monsters.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2022
