This is one of the games I was looking forward to the most out of the N64 library available on NSO. Out of most of the Kirby games I've played, I've usually had a good time. However Star Allies was rather disappointing, and unfortunately this game is more like that than any of the others I've played. Despite the great visuals and music, it kind of feels like it's unsure what it wants to do.

One level will be so easy it's boring, the next will feel like a tough difficulty curve. And unfortunately there was a lot more of the former. I know Kirby is one of the more accessible games for the more casual player, but there doesn't seem to be any consistency with this one.

That being said, there were a few levels I really enjoyed, especially in the middle. And it looks and sounds great. It just lacks the usual platforming pizazz that you expect from Nintendo.

Unfortunately with the NSO version, there seems to be a glitch with the underwater levels, where if Kirby gets hit, the character freezes and doesn't do anything. Kirby gets bricked, basically. The only thing you can do is start your last save state or reset the game. Apparently this is only a thing that occurs in the Switch version. To be fair, it only happened a few times to me, and while it was an inconvenience, it didn't have much of a detrimental effect on my progress, nor did it put me off playing through the rest of the game. While I did enjoy a good portion of the game, it's probably one of my least favourite platform games I've played for the system.

Reviewed on May 24, 2022
