There. Now no one can say I haven't beat all of the Dark Souls games.

Out of all of them, I struggled with this one the most. Things started off alright. I'd say the first half to two thirds I was quite enjoying it. Then I got to Ithiryl/Anor Londo and I just didn't have any more motivation to keep playing. It just felt like the wind had gone from my sails. I was fed up.

I think one of the biggest issues is that it's just not as well made as the previous two. Yeah, the second game had it's fair share of problems, but once things got going, it was classic Dark Souls, but this was a bit inconsistent from a design point of view, all the way to a functional one. Cheap enemies, too many enemies at times hampered my enjoyment and I swear I was having input delay issues as well. Between that, it felt like they were throwing mud and seeing what sticks. So many different items and consumables as well as weapons felt like it was over complicating things as well as occasionally overwhelming them.

But with the negative out of the way, I really liked the look of this game. An improvement over the last and had some really lovely areas as well as some really grim ones, too. And I'm still in awe at these massive open worlds with loads of secrets and shortcuts, all beautifully constructed, in particular Lothric Castle, where unless you fast travel, all loads seamlessly. It felt like the biggest world in the series. Which at times wasn't a great thing, especially when it comes to the NPC's. I found it was quite easy to miss them this time around so missed out on a decent chunk of delicious lore.

There's still lots for me to do in this, but now that I've defeated the last boss, I'll be very surprised if I revisit this in a hurry, or at all. I've got NG+ waiting for me on Dark Souls Remastered and I still haven't beaten Elden Ring yet.

I guess you could say Dark Souls III is like Star Trek Discovery. It looks better than any that came before it, and at first was brilliant. But after chipping away at it for a while, it started to become a bit of a chore and I stopped enjoying it (although there were moments here and there in the build up to the last boss where it was starting to win me over, and then I fought the Twin Princes).

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2023
