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the third Fire Emblem game I've played (I'm counting Heroes, I only did the first 2 books from that game)

Intelligent Systems handled the mechanical expansions quite well, I enjoyed every feature added since the previous games, I think the most notable pitfall is how unoptimized the game is (I'll cut the devs some slack, they're not exactly one of Nintendo's bigger studios)

my only real complaint for what the game is, is that the Master Class system is not balanced at all. I don't see how they thought 4 classes requiring horse riding training, but only one focusing on swordfighting, and the only armoured and bow master classes also requiring horse riding skill was a good idea

However, I will applaud the dev's approach to having multiple paths (especially when the 4 paths are each more varied than the two paths of basically every pokemon game, which are always on two separate cartridges, I'm looking at you Pokemon SWSH)

also has a great soundtrack, and a nice cast of characters