2 reviews liked by Chinbag

1. The wonders are usually really cool. Kept things from getting stale. My favorite were the top-down levels, electricity power level, goo power level, the goomba stealth level, and the ride the dragon level.
2. Playing in Spanish made the talking flowers actually funny and bearable unlike in English.
3. Nintendo went all out for the character animations.
4. Blowing a bubble at enemies and seeing their panicked reactions.
5. How the music changes depending on what power you're using.
6. The music in the overworld and how it changes as you move farther into each area. Ex: In Fluff-Puff Peaks the music starts out with stringed instruments, adds a xylophone, and finishes off with wind instruments.
7. The overworld was beautifully detailed and I liked the 3d rotating icons for each level.
8. The secret Sound Off? badge was a pretty cool unlockable.
9. The final level was hard as shit. I'm happy there were checkpoints. The invisible level in particular was excruciating.
10. If you turn off the talking flower dialogue in the menu it says, "Oh? Was it something I said?" Nice little detail.
11. The credits level was pretty fun. I feel like it kinda takes away from honoring the people that worked hard on the game, but whatever.
12. All the new characters.

1. The singing flower level. I'm not sure why people were hyped on that. I'm sure if I was a kid I would have liked that moment, but it felt like I was on the It's a Small World ride at Disneyland.
2. The elephant power isn't that great. I swear to god the next 2d Mario will have Mario as a porcupine or some other gimmick and people will lose their minds.
3. The final boss fight with Bowser was underwhelming. No challenge at all, which led to no emotional payoff. My reaction was, "That was it?".
4. Copy and paste Bowser Jr. fights. Fun the first time, but the magic is gone past that. In Super Mario World each area has unique boss fights. Why can't Nintendo do some weird shit like the Reznor triceratops Ferris wheel fight? I want more weird Nintendo.
5. The Bowser castle just sits in the middle of the map the entire game. Didn't feel like a threat at all. You'd think he'd try to directly stop you. No, he leaves that to his kid and his goons.
6. The writing is devoid of wit or humor. I think someone needs to inform Nintendo that kid's TV shows/movies have figured out the formula of writing to both their children and adult audiences at the same time. It's possible.
7. It's lame that they removed each character's unique movement in favor of swapping out badges. I preferred trying out each character's different playstyle in games like 3D World.
8. I was discouraged from using the badges since the game was already too easy. Didn't feel great to earn new badges and never wanting to use them.
9. The cutscenes to show the castle transforming back at the end of each world were underwhelming when considering that Super Mario World had a unique cutscene for each world cleared. The cutscenes had humor and style as well, unlike in Wonder.
10. The factory conveyor belt boss fight after each flying ship level was too similar each time and not that fun.
11. The Goomba secret world level where you have to bounce on the bubbles to get across at the end. I had a bug where below the green pipe was an invisible wall that got me killed multiple times.

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