It's cute. Also hard to review these kinds of games because... what metrics am I putting it up against? The era it's from, in comparison to modern day stuff? Honestly to me it's just a cute game to play for a few minutes and then put down.

This game sucks ass. But also I love The Simpsons and I had this game as a kid, so I tried very hard to like it. I could collect all of the purple items in the first level and that was about as far as I ever got.

I wouldn't say this NES Simpsons game is very good either, but this is the one I liked the most as a kid. The initial ship level is burned into my brain. I liked being able to fly around as Bartman.

I'm just now realizing how prevalent Bartman was in Simpsons merchandising in the early 90s considering how Bartman is in, what, a single scene of season 2?

Just like the other two NES Simpsons games... this isn't very good. This is the one I played the least since I only rented it once or twice back in the day.

Had this as a kid and remember really liking it. No idea how it holds up these days. Maybe I'll try it out again some other time.

This game was extremely cool to me when I was 5. I'm pretty sure there are other versions of this type of racer from the same era that are better. Especially if you're looking at arcade games.

The structure of this game is very strange. I love that Gilligan follows you everywhere and constantly falls into holes. Absolute garbage, of course.

Banger soundtrack. I remember this being an okay board game? I loved spelling bees as a kid so I was always excited to get the spelling challenges.

A very early minigame collection. All I ever wanted to play as a kid was the hacky sack game.

I basically don't have anything to say about this game. It's functional!

I had this game for some reason. I think it was a hand-me-down from one of my aunts. Absolute dog shit, haha.

One of a few sports games I actually enjoy. Played this one a lot with my dad. It was possible to pass the ball back and forth between your players so fast that the other player couldn't do anything.

I kind like this game just for the fact that you can ramp your boat and land on top of another guy's boat and just annihilate it. Also the box art for this game looks like trapper keeper art.

I do not recommend Ice Climber.

Influential and important, but... not something I enjoy playing. Kid Icarus: Uprising, on the other hand...