There are a surprising amount of Blues Brothers games. That shouldn't have happened.

Only played a little bit of this... but it seems like it could be cool? Maybe I'll get to it one day.

I don't really know much about Bill Laimbeer, other than I heard his name mentioned a lot on TV as a kid. What I do know is that Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball sucks ass.

Beethoven has a short range sonic bark attack. The end of the first movie where the evil vet gets stabbed with like 24 syringes of sedatives is probably not in the game... but it should be.

This game's legacy is that it is called Ballz 3D.

Another game I spent an afternoon on during college. I don't have a ton of shmup experience but this one was pretty alright I thought.

A perfectly solid, average platformer. A lot of people hype up the Genesis Aladdin, and while it has nice animation, its gameplay does not compare to the SNES Aladdin. I've never bothered trying to get all the gems or whatever it is that unlocks the secret ending.

I modded my Wii so it could emulate stuff when I was in college ages ago and ended up doing that thing where you just start playing every game you downloaded alphabetically. Aerobiz is early on and I ended up spending an entire afternoon on it. It's an okay business sim from what I remember.

The Adventure of Kid Kleets in the US. Unlike 3 Ninjas Kick Back or whatever this game IS developed by the British, and it has all the telltale signs. Kid Kleets is a horrible little goblin.

A fun, if simple blend between a platformer with light RPG elements and a God game. A fun premise that deserves a modern take on it.

Do you like Nickelodeon cartoons? Want to rent a game based on one of them? Prepare to be disappointed.

It's not, but it feels like a platformer designed by the British. Ugly graphics, bad jump feel, nonsense level design. I will not expound on this.