I truly do not remember much about how Mega Man 5 plays. I know I've beaten it, though. The part where the Protoman saves you from being killed by the fake Protoman is pretty cool, though.

It's been a very long time since I've played the NES Mega Man games. So I'll be honest and say these ratings and reviews I'm giving are based on somewhat faint memories at this point. Mega Man 4 is the one I've played most recently, where I actually learned to do a casual speedrun of it for a race with a few other people. I remember liking both the levels and the Robot Masters and their weapons in this one.

Despite rating them the same I think I like Mega Man 3 a bit more, even if it's more uneven than 2. This one introduced Rush, the slide move, and Protoman, which are all pretty important additions.

I know a lot of people revere Mega Man 2 as one of the best. Don't get me wrong, I think it's pretty good! I just cannot forgive the Boobeam boss fight.

Castlevania is a series that I ignored for a long time. It wasn't until around 2013 that I actually started playing them, but I was surprised to see how much I like the first Castlevania. I am too smart for the Medusa heads to get me.

It's clunky, but it still holds up in my opinion. I've never beaten the Second Quest, though. I like the wonky face sprite Link has when he's holding an item he just picked up over his head.

Is this the best NES game? It might be. A huge increase in scope from SMB1. Differently themed worlds, tons of unique mechanics, power ups, suits, special stages, boss fights, and secrets. I can't really find any faults in this game.

I played this a ton as a kid but didn't actually complete it until I was an adult. The sound effect for picking up turnips is really good. It's got a different pace to its platforming that is interesting, but I'm not as into it as I am SMB1 and 3.

Look, it's Mario. Super Mario Bros. holds up very well and isn't going to age much more than it already has. It still controls quite well and has a nice difficulty curve. The only part of the game that doesn't hold up in my mind is the couple of castle levels that are trial-and-error mazes.