1 review liked by ChippedWaffle

i am incredibly happy to see other pretty positive reviews here, otherwise i am not sure if i would have written this review. so thanks to you.

sonic chronicles was a big part of my childhood. i remember being stuck at certain parts, not really knowing where to go or what to do.
the generic child problems you have with games. but not once did i think this game was bad by any means - it was quite different from every other sonic game i have played since then but in the best way - combining my favorite franchise with my favorite videogame genre, rpg.
it is of course absolutely basic and restricted, but the small details are what caught my eye here. the people behind this game knew about the sonic universe and you notice that in every aspect of the game. the dialogues are sometimes nice little call backs, charming wallbreaks and reveal nice little details to each character.

gameplaywise this is as gimmicky as a nintendo ds game can be. you play with the stylus and special attacks are pretty much based on how good you perform certain actions with the stylus. the synch seems a bit off at first but you get the hang of it pretty quickly.

the soundtrack can get annoying at times but i don't think it's that bad. some battle themes even sound pretty cool to me.
storywise this is a really cool game you should not miss out on in my opinion. i miss sonic going in these brave directions.

i liked this game. have always, will always.