21 Reviews liked by Chlora

the gameplay is the best in the entire MegaTen franchise but the story and characters are just Persona without the soul

having played this on multiplayer, bow-only was a relatively decent amount of fun; haven't checked how the guns are but they look insanely better than the bows, especially later in the game
(and a summoner will deal thrice your dps for no reason pls fix)

Raise your hand if you spent countless hours playing this as a kid because you had nothing else to do even though it sucks and you had no idea how it works

Side note, how the fuck is the game description on this page going to call Minesweeper a Minesweeper-type game unironically

Admit it, the first time you played it, you have no idea what the numbers even mean.

As with basically all the pre-installed games on Windows, I played this one too. As a child, I had literally no idea what I’m doing, but later I learned the secret behind the numbers, and it finally made sense. I beat the one or the other game, but it’s really nothing big. Just your average small puzzle game.

I feel that this game is more hyped than it should be, the story is boring and dull where both sides are too stereotyped being the good side is VERY GOOD and the bad side is VERY EVIL, you can break the game easily at level 20 making item management and combat strategy (the charm of this style of game in my opinion) completely useless, the whole background of the villain who is probably the best character in the Okegom universe practically doesn't exist in the game making him one of the most fucked up characters in the game and the main party is a complete shit, but otherwise the art is beautiful.

Funa please just write VN's 2