After 5 years of rewriting and replanning the whole game several times, here's what we got
It's supposed to be a sequel to Nocturne, you'll spend 90% of your time in the same places you did in that game, so every environment is sand with buildings and more sand, unless it's one of the two extremely barebones indoor dungeons in the game
The game is extremely easy but forces artificial difficulty down on you anyway because of the level scaling: for every level your enemy has above/below you, it's a 5% increase to everything. You're forced to "explore" and do sidequests/grind if you want to have a chance at certain main "story" bosses who are mostly a breeze if you're on equal footing. If you go with the true ending you're pretty much forced to go at least with level 90 for the required superboss, which makes everything afer that, final boss included, a complete joke. Also, probably because it's this way in Nocturne too, the MC has way better (broken as hell) physical skills than magic ones, if you want to have a chance at the DLC superboss you're pretty much forced to run physical. Oh, and buy the money and exp DLCs as well, because otherwise you'll spend 10s of hours doing it. All of this day 1 DLC, by the way.
The writing is a good contender for the worst i've seen in a videogame, it fails to immitate Nocturne's writing built around the feeling of isolation so instead you get no character interactions for 10s of hours and get greeted with several 10 minute long exposition dumps before restarting the cycle. The plot and characters are just so soulless to the point sidequests are the whole worldbuilding, and that one of the main cast gets 0 importance except a late game sidequest with no voice acting other than generic lines. Others can be described as non-characters who simply serve to go along someone else's alignment, you know they fucked up hard when they made law THE BEST ALIGNMENT in this game. To finish that up, if i had a cent for every plothole i'd probably be able to buy a custard tart
Graphically, it looks fantastic. Probably the best looking game on the Switch
The sountrack is an easy 10/10 as well, no less expected from Ryota the goat Kozuka

At the end of the day, don't spend your money on this, it really isn't worth it. An alright entry to start off of if you wanna get into SMT but aren't very good at videogames.

The gameplay aspect of this game is a significant upgrade in every way from SMT IV, except the part where dying has no consequences, unfortunately. The new UIs are also pretty slick
The main drawback of this game is the characters, their writing is god awful. The remaining plot is alright
Same soundtrack as IV but with a few really good new tracks

Overall i think it's the best megaten game and that the pros heavily outweigh the cons

Garbage cashgrab, good graphics and good sountrack. Only fun you'll get is tokyo abyss, an endless dungeon where you don't use any of your own demons.

Overly simplistic writing that i barely paid attention to, unbearable dungeon crawling with a ridiculous random encounter rate and the worst level/power curve i've seen in all my time playing games, also worth noting the mechanics often make 0 sense (YOU CAN LITERALLY LOSE LEVELS IN THIS GAME IN MULTIPLE WAYS, AND ONE IS DYING. I reached the final dungeon in the SEBEC route with late 70s normal enemies with a level 30 party). The most plot relevant party member is locked behind an overly complicated string of actions you need to take that no one will ever get without a guide. You can go from breezing a dungeon to dying to a random encounter 15 levels above in the next. Some skills are outright broken (all light/dark/expel/death will do the original damage 1:1 over time at the end of the turn until whoever was hit dies; so if you get hit with a 300 damage Miracle White you'll be taking extra 300 damage per turn until that character dies). Most bosses are either a breeze or fucking ridiculous.
In the main (SEBEC) route, you can choose a single wrong dialogue option at the end of the forest dungeon, and you only realize that you've got the preemptive bad ending 2-3 hours later when you finish the next dungeon. Oh, and if you don't choose specific dialogue choices with some bosses throughout the run? No ultimate personas for you. The 2nd route, the Snow Queen Quest is a series of dungeons with a time limit you don't even know of. Time runs out? Game over. There's a dungeon (Thanatos Tower?) where dying makes it so you lose your persona. Forever.
To top it all off, this game is a remake that is an objective upgrade to the original, and one of the changes is that they SIGNIFICANTLY sped up every animation in the game, because in Revelations it was a huge slog because of obscenely long animations. But unfortunately, it just isn't enough still. Battles are still a huge pain if you don't have everyone's favourite speed up button.
The soundtrack is pretty good both on the old and new fronts

Overall if this barely playable mess of a game was presented to me as a psychological torture device i wouldn't notice the difference

Fantastic plot, amazingly written and relatable characters that you can easily get attached to (best in the franchise at both of those aspects). Dungeon crawling can be quite annoying at times with the random encounters, and the difficulty isn't really that big.
Banger ost
Overall a very good game that anyone with a little patience will enjoy

Engaging story and cool characters, fun gameplay that unfortunately is split between (very repetitive and possibly boring) dungeon crawling and either mind numbingly easy bossfights or some so hard that bring the average nocturne hardtype player to their knees
Overall it's pretty good, way better than persona 4 imo

Fantastic looking game all around, anything graphically in this game is an easy 10/10. Gameplay is alright, the dungeons are fun to traverse through 90% of the time. The game starts off with AMAZING writing but slowly falls off to the point where in the endgame it's barely coherent and the final boss is defeated because of a deus ex machina. Some social links (day to day interacting with a certain character) are either really poorly thought out or so grounded that you actually feel empathy towards the other person. Also worth mentioning that the 17 year old protagonist can date 3 women over 30.
The OST is pretty nice but a few tracks (ESPECIALLY the battle theme) really gets to you after a while, not in a good way.

Overall it's alright in my opinion

i don't remember but playing the pirate boat minigame with my mother while on my grandma's basement on a schoolday night, waiting for her fantastic cod with cream is probably the only good memory i have of my mom