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Usually, games either focus more on the gameplay aspect, or the story aspect. For example, Call of Duty games are mostly focused on gameplay, and many JRPGs are focused on story.
Metroidvanias usually focus on gameplay through adventure, progression of the character, and combat.
Owlboy does not follow this formula, and instead focuses on its story… but I’m not too convinced it does it that well. Or at least well enough to cover up the stale, boring gameplay and combat.
The story was.. ok. I didn’t really get too attached until the last third of the game. But even as the credits rolled I still didn’t fully understand what was going on, and I’m not sure that I cared. I looked up a few explanations for the ending and it seems like although there are some definite facts on what happened, a lot of the ending is left up to conjecture by the player.
The gameplay is sorely lacking in this game. Enemies are sparse, combat is painfully dull, and even the bosses are meh. You play as Otus who only has one attacking move, but it doesn’t actually damage most enemies. Your damage comes from the friends you make along your journey, and you carry them in your talons so that they can help you fight. One has a pistol, one has a shotgun, and one has webs. But they all basically do the same thing when it comes to fighting. They each have a secondary ability, but those are for getting past obstacles. All that to say that fighting in this game comes down to flying around and holding down the trigger. Also, I was so disappointed when they have been showing me this big, bad villain and how unstoppable he is the whole game, and then you don’t even get to fight him? Lame.
Random small point but Owlboy also doesn’t have a map, which I always hate when it comes to metroidvanias.
Now, I will sing a few praises for the game. It is absolutely stunning pixel art. I mean the depth to each screen, the diversity of areas on the map, and the beautiful colors used make this game shine. I could seriously look at this games art for hours.
Another thing I loved about this game was its wonderful cast of characters. And I’m not just talking about the main characters, but almost every npc you run across is delightful in some way. I found myself getting a good chuckle multiple times in an otherwise dark story.
Owlboy is… ok. But it isn’t a game that I will play again. If gameplay suffers a ton, then I really need the story to be A+, and to me it just isn’t.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Agreed, my feelings coming out of this one were pretty similar. It was very pretty, obviously had passion put into making it but I just didn't have that much fun playing it. It was kinda ok but I've forgotten most things about it.