It's easily one of the best narrative experiences I've ever had in gaming. The story is a journey that immerses you deeply in its world. Every dialogue and memory is crafted with such care that it left me in a state of profound thought for days after completing the game.
One of the standout aspects is its music. The beautiful score not only complements the story but also elevates it to another level. There were moments where the music was so poignant that it drove me to tears, enhancing the emotional impact of the scenes.
Visually, the game is stunning. Every frame is like a work of art, and it's a joy to simply watch and witness the world around you. The attention to detail is remarkable.
However, one downside I encountered was the lack of controller support. While this didn't detract significantly from my overall enjoyment of the game, it would have been a nice addition for a more immersive experience.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
