Games I Dislike That Everybody Else Likes

Fail to understand what people see in this over the likes of Mothership Zeta, Point Lookout, and Operation Anchorage. More macho toughguy "life is hell" bullshit from the late 2000s - complete with a stained toilet bowl color palette and sharp-turn moral dilemmas that completely crack open Fallout 3's annoyingly black-or-white karma system. There's no nuance measured whatsoever in these choices - despite there being lots of little moral/ethical intricacies involved you're still only either really good or really evil. But like... no?? Then again these FO3 DLCs never had the most interesting writing to begin with - difference here being that the map is also a chore and the gameplay is barely there. At least this is one of the better running ones, but that's cold comfort when you don't really want to play it that much even when it does perform well. Ugh, don't care.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
