First half of story is master-fucking-class, second half tanks - I think this mostly set out what it wanted to achieve but I also think it only feels about 75% complete. Certain elements both narratively and mechanically seem like they were originally planned but cut out somewhere along the line because they ran out of time or money. It could have been more but I'm also glad it wasn't too much - there are way worse avenues to settle on than 'really good zombie game'. The terrific characters it offers up alone give it a pass in my book, and the combat is solid and all but expectedly gets repetitive somewhere around the halfway point. I loved slashing up freakers with the blade-bat. Though one last (kind of big) gripe I have with this and other more recent genre outings is its lame zombie design, I mean is it too much to ask for enemies that look at least a little distinctive? There are so many different varieties but most of them just look like the same 3 tired old people. Anyways, I still dig it a fair amount - but agree with the general consensus that it's missing something.

Reviewed on Aug 07, 2022
