When you're in a "Make One of the Least Fun, Most Chintzy Games Ever" contest and your opponent is Robomodo: 😱😱😱. Obviously this sucks, the thing barely runs at any given moment and has objective design so painfully mundane and unvaried that it would make even Ubisoft quake in their boots. The 'content' is super padded and paltry, and the last-gen versions are just... missing 35-40% of it as it is lmfao. But like any other Hawk game the soundtrack has some serious gems ("A Little Death to Laugh" - Cold Cave, "I'm Not Part of Me" - Cloud Nothings, "Fake P" - Rorschach, "Cynics and Critics" - Icon for Hire, "Southsiders" - Atmosphere are some of many standouts). Is that the only thing keeping it from being one of the worst things I've ever played? Most likely, yes - it's easy to be lulled out of complete boredom while "Stars and Stripes" by Anti-Flag is playing. But even at this thing's worst I just find it monotonous, and too pathetic to give any real anger to. While never good, when it is playable it's pretty shockingly close to being competent. No less functional now than a lot of the Triple A games that release unfinished and get giant patches later on, anyway. Still very bad and even more ugly.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2022
