An outstanding side-scroller with a beautiful art style, excellent level design, and an insanely entertaining trophy/achievement list. As a rule of thumb this tends to be one of my least favorite genres, but this one does more than enough to separate itself from the rest of the pack - thanks in part to the series' bright personality. If I have one noticeable complaint, it's that Rayman's sprite has seldom felt more lifeless than it is here - I assume to account for the good amount of other unlockable characters, which I guess is a relatively fair tradeoff in the end. But other than a couple minor quirks (wall running can be janky and the bubble hitboxes are kind of fucked) I fell in love with it immediately and never wanted to put it down. Rare to find one of these with a satisfying challenge level like this has, not too easy but not too difficult. And I just can't get enough of that funny babbletalk, I've been saying "Urray-hay!" for like three days straight.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2023
