Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

I've said it once and I'll say it again, there will always be a part of me that's a little nostalgic for the era (let's say 2011-2016) when complete and utter memes/trolls were passed off as full game releases. Stuff like your Octodads, your Turbo Dismounts, Max Gentlemans, bevy of "______ Simulator"s - games that only existed for YouTubers to play and give free advertising to, back when that site wasn't a festering cesspool of creative censorship. Even Triple A game studios were trying to cash in on my generation's willingness to take one joke and drive it into the ground for multiple consecutive years until it became a barren void of forced humor suffocation. As a result, by the time this one rolled around the joke had started getting stale - thankfully though this one really isn't obnoxious at all with its gimmick like some of those others: it's brisk, authentically odd, and low-simmer funny. Saw a lot of staunch hatred for this which I think is ridiculous, it's totally harmless for $0.99.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2023
