Noble, but ultimately a failed effort in my eyes. Obviously I can't judge this too harshly, as it was clearly made with little kids in mind - and on the front I can't even say this is a bad game at all. Against my expectations it isn't piss-easy, the challenge for the intended age demographic here is very fair. And I very much like the concept too, the portal and figures function in a cool way. My problem lies mainly within the texture of it - the lack of a jump leads to levels that feel... horizontal, as a result they not only feel sort of mundane but also blend into each other way too easily to the point of becoming tiring. The music feels repetitive and chintzy, plus I just could not have cared less about the story or characters (even in spite of another phenomenal voice performance from Richard Horvitz, and even phoned-in Patrick Warburton is kind of fun). The hero challenges and battle mode are better than the main game, I feel like. As a Spyro game (a series famous for charm, style, variety, and childlike wonderment) it falls flat on its face - but as its own thing it's just a resoundingly mediocre experience. Not as good of a "constantly-switching-between-characters-who-function-mostly-the-same-for-one-off-tasks-in-specific-areas" game as Balan Wonderworld, and I'd also rather just play Knack for what this ultimately feels like.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2023
