A doom competitor which was reborn in this new form with a shockingly intricate story for its time.

Excellent game, absolutely beautiful and great game.

Loved the level editor on this and most of the gameplay.

Fun classic game. Everyone who can should play (pirate) this

Story is dogwater anime bullshit, BUT the gameplay is almost unique to it only a few games feel quite like it and I love the gameplay.

I keep forgetting this game exists and is in my steam library even though I watched a let's play when it first came out. Honestly I think that says all it needs to about this game.

It's a beautiful game which pulls at the heartstrings. I deeply love this game and its story.

you know this would be way better if they just ADDED THE REST OF THE GAMES TO IT. Even if 5 is trash I want it for completion's sake and for god's sake just put Infinite in it.

Solid and really just an improvement on the original

Not as good as 1, but the hate was unwarranted in the long term. EA pulling the plug was BS and frankly there was still a lot this game could have delivered that it never will.

Fun to play even to this day, though I have to use german servers.

Gunning down nazis has never been more fun or brutal.