3 Reviews liked by ClassyDragon

This was really fun! Probably the first time I actually enjoyed 2D Mario since NSMBWii. There are some complaints I have (Bowser Jr. being every palace boss is kind of lame) but overall it was very very solid, with high points being the level design and some of the Wonder effects.

I played this game with friends so there was another element added to gameplay, mainly the fact that the camera only focuses on one person (as opposed to the camera zooming out massively in NSMB Wii (U)), and I'm not completely sure how I feel about it still. Most of the time it was fine, other times some stages became hard to play as the person who the camera was focusing on would just move at a completely different pace than the rest of us, leading us all to get killed haha. But it's not enough to detract from the score, I think.

If this is how 2D Mario will be going forward, I'll definitely play the next entry.

I have no idea where to even start. Almost everything in this game is a step up from the first one. Exploring the world of Alrest was absolutely amazing as well as all of the breathtaking areas that really showcase the Nintendo Switch's full potential. The world building with all of the Titans and the varying cultures of the different nations was really insightful. This game actively feels like a huge adventure. Next up EVERY single character of this game's cast gets a chance to shine. You'll grow to love the characters and care for them deeply. EVEN the rare summons all have their own character to them and their own stories that'll make you grow attached to them. The gameplay of this game is a huugeee step up from Xenoblade and really kicks off and becomes super fast paced once you unlock even more skills in the game. The game can be challenging at times but it's VERY rewarding and satisfying. The story will make you feel every emotion known to man and the MUSIC of this game just accentuates every single moment and takes it to an entirely new level. Nothing I can say can bring justice to just how beautiful the music of this game is. The compositions of every song just breathed life into every area that you visit and set the vibe of that location. All in all everything comes together to create a genuine wonderful video game experience. This game shouldn't just be taken at face value, it should be enjoyed as a whole on your own accord, regardless of the discourse you may or may not have heard about the game. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a remarkable masterpiece of a game and it will make you feel human again.

This was actually one of the best games I've ever played.