Log Status






Time Played

20h 2m

Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

March 15, 2023

First played

March 13, 2023


If you're not a Miraculous fan, don't play this game. But also, if you are a Miraculous fan, just know this game seriously is not it. Also here's a tip: Don't go for the platinum. Any enjoyment I had with this game the first time through was squandered with me having to replay every level 3-4 times. The camera is wack, the jumping is wack, the "combat" is just button mashing. The story is bare bones and doesn't have any wow factor to it at all. The positives of this game are that they got the original voice cast to do the voices (however little of it there actually was) and umm that's it. This game would've been a lot more enjoyable if I was 10 years old and playing this on my 3Ds instead of PS5.