6 reviews liked by Claude

It has to be acknowledged that this game is responsible for introducing almost every mainstay series mechanic (the skill system, decorations, armor upgrading, registering armor sets, subquests, delivery quests, shiny drops, arm wrestling, the iconic Dundorma and all of the staple weapons like LS, GL, HH, and Bow) and a wholly unique day/night season system.

Too bad the game itself is fucking doo doo donkey shit ass fuck and no pretentious 3 hour video essay will EVER change that. You're all delusional and should just go play Freedom Unite ffs.

The world is divided into two halves: Those who have done the village powderstone delivery quest, and those who have not

It is an undeniable act of God that this game managed to sell enough to spawn a franchise. This isn't just the roughest of gems, this is a gem that cuts your spirit with its abrasiveness. You'll accept this game for its faults, refuse to give up, and do your best to continue - then the game will sucker punch you with some of the most tedious bullshit rng ever created when every iron pickaxe you spent good zenny on breaks in a single strike, and with not even a single piece of ore to reward your efforts. This game has a soul, it knows you're playing it, and it absolutely despises you with every continued second.

I am not the same person I was before I finished this game