Geniunely really good autobattler idle game, had a blast going through it.

Few things I liked (or rather ideas) about Dragonpath:
- Not having autoattacks being bound to just clicking on an enemy, actually have to press something.
- Having a shield and a dodge at my disposal
- Equipment dependant skills, similiar to how weapons change some skills in Guild Wars 2

What I didn't like:
- Alot of aforementioned things are poorly executed
- I usually don't complain about graphics but models in Dragonpath are absolutely fucking horrid, some of the worst I've seen.
- The progression is geniunely really boring, it would be acceptable if the gameplay was somewhat interesting but it is pretty barebones and implemented pretty badly.

Something I can't confirm myself:
- Allegedly, despite the game being categorized as CO-OP, the CO-OP doesn't function at all, so if you are looking for a cheap hack n slash game that you can play in CO-OP, you should look elsewhere.

strive's equivalent of mecha hitler

i wish she would actually just kill me


Brisket and her consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Good game with crispy movement and animations that suffers from fucked up difficulty, lack of saving mid run (if Gunfire Reborn can do it, so can Roboquest.) and overall really boring upgrades, that make it so you aren't sure whether the RNG fucked you over at the end of a failed run or whether RNG blessed you with an amazing run.

Also due to the amount of clutter and bright lights this game has, I always end a run with a massive headache.

All in all if somebody asked me for a good fps roguelike, I would probably not recommend Roboquest over Gunfire Reborn unless they wanted something movement heavy.

this game has completely ruined my taste in women

Servicable incremental game but if you have motion sickness, stay away. Even if you turn off the screenshake, the stage effects are fucking AWFUL at times. (sun and uranium stage in particular)

Never quite got the appeal of it despite loving grindy games. something about having to wait for few hours to craft something or pay to speed it up on top of low drop rates made me dislike the game quite alot in comparison to other games like it. I understand that it has to be this way due to it being F2P but it doesn't change the fact that this aspect alone made me drop the game.