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1 day

Last played

October 18, 2021

Platforms Played


I watched my Dad play this as a kid and delved deep into my memories to find it again as an adult. I didn't realize it as a kid, but it's actually a Zelda-like! This game is obscure, but it's a good egg.

Interesting/complex level structure, with a single vast dungeon you revisit with new items. It also has amazing artwork and a unique aesthetic. It's got a beautiful, gritty, dystopian world. This is a game with a strong artistic vision.

I enjoyed it quite a bit until I got very stuck and gave up (too confusing after the midgame, Walkthrough Syndrome).

Being themed around EGGs it's also quite funny, but not really on purpose. Also, the English translation I had is a bit scuffed, but that adds to its charm. The inspired worldbuilding shines through, despite the translation.