There's a decent game buried underneath, with interesting level design and a very lovely 90's vocal soundtrack. Unfortunately the game suffers from poor performance and render distances, absolutely abysmal control, and AI that wants to screw you over at every given moment. I think they could've expanded on the concept a lot and turned it into something extremely fun, but I doubt we'll ever see a return to the formula of R sadly.

"If you wish to steal the jewel from Lynx...If you truly wish to triumph...You will have to let go of a treasure of your own, Kid.
For as long as you cling onto it, the hands of your clock will never move. They'll stay exactly where they came to rest, all those years ago."

"I remembered everythin'. I remembered another me. A me from a long, long time ago..."
Slowly, kid averted her gaze, looking up at the night sky.
"I have to go."
The stars reflected in her eyes, and suddenly she looked like nothing more than an ordinary young girl, with a sad, distant expression on her face.
"Don't worry, Serge. I'm okay...We'll meet again."
Kid smiled.
“We'll meet again...somewhere, someday...
Some...time... Promise..."
"I didn't manage to nick the Frozen Flame in the end...
And I lost the Time Egg too--the only thing I had left of Lucca's...'s okay. Everything's gonna be okay.
There's something inside me that shines brighter’n any stupid jewel.
The most important thing in the world."
She opened her eyes again and fixed them on me.

”No one can take it from me...not for as long as I live..."

There was nothing else in the world I wanted but this. I doubted I'd ever want anything again. I only wanted this moment. All the clocks in the world could have stopped right then and there for all I cared.
And so ends another tale.
Perhaps, one day, I'll see Kid, Magil, and Riddell again...
One day.
Somewhere...At another time...In another world...
Perhaps none of us will even realize it.
But that's a story for another day.
For now, I must put down my pen...


If you have played Chrono Cross, the above quotes will probably elicit a reaction of absolute despair and melancholy from you, yet also leave you with a taste of something hopeful and sweet, knowing where the story goes next. I really adored this little VN, and wish I had experienced it sooner.

I really enjoyed this! MMBN4 has some issues, and the first run can be difficult since you are locked into some very basic chips, but it was a lot of fun crafting a deck once I finally did and I think despite the translation issues, the core of the story is really nice. I also think this game has a lot of replayability options with how the NG+ system works, but I have not moved onto game 2 yet. I will maybe have more thoughts whenever I get around to those, but for now I had a very fun time replaying my first MMBN and first MM game in general. :)

Rather comfy Gunvolt puzzle game. Not much to say, if you like the IP its good for a few bucks.

A gunvolt rhythm game spin-off seemed inevitable considering the series focus on high energy vocal tracks, and I think the starting selection that is in the game is serviceable enough. The core gameplay is fun, but if you aren't using the touch screen controls it can be kinda uncomfortable especially with the dual analog prompts, and I felt my hands growing tired very fast in comparison to something like KH: MoM which uses a somewhat similar button setup. Would recommend if you are a fan of the series and like rhythm games, but I would also wait for the DLC so there are more than 15 tracks in the game.

Cygames was so mad Dragalia lost died they literally decided to resurrect it with a granblue crossover and make it kino

Ran through Claude’s route on Universe difficulty. I really liked this version compared to the original PSX release. The addition of voice acting for most of the games dialouge really adds to the atmosphere (I played with the JP SO2R cast), and the upgraded visuals are extremely pretty. I personally found them to be the most visually interesting of the HD-2D square enix games, although I do still have a fondness for the pre-rendered backgrounds.

The combat rework is significant compared to the PSX version, and mages actually feel super well balanced now especially with the game no longer pausing per spell. I still ended up mostly using a Melee exclusive party at the end, but that was more out of which characters interested me personally rather than magic being unintuitive. I also enjoyed some of the new additions like the fishing minigame, and I feel like many of the mechanics worked much better in this version than before. I’ll likely have a more substantial review when I run through Rena’s route in the near future, but as is I think this is easily the best version of the game released so far and I has a blast running through it.

I really wanted to like this version but while it is technically pretty, I absolutely hate how much of the desolate atmosphere of the original was just ruined and tossed away for the sake of adding greenery to everything to make it look pretty. It’s unfortunate because outside of that, it’s otherwise the best release of the game, especially with the framerate improvements. If it’s your only option it’s still a good way to experience the game, but if you’re willing to track either down, the PS2 and PS3 versions are much preferred imo.

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While the overall experience was easier than the first game, which already wasn't super challenging to begin, everything about this game was honestly a step in the right direction. Level design and bosses were much more fun, Copen is a great second POV character and his playstyle is extremely fun and compliments Gunvolt's well, and some of the new mechanics, especially the new EX skills on Copen. I was not expecting to actually have to sing Reincarnation myself for the Gunvolt's final stage boss, but I loved that cheesy moment, really excited to replay this one.