What are they aiming at in the picture? Crazy men!

I don't think it's possible for me to be any worse at a game.

Fuck this review, the song i'm listening to is SLAPPING!

T-boned the fuck out of shoemaker!!!

My friend told me about this game by saying it gave them nightmares and now I can tell you with 90% confidence the lore of the first 5 games so thanks a lot you dickhead you've ruined me.

It's objectively the best one.

The jumpscare is so stupid he just takes a step going "shkeeeee!"

Oh look it's the stupid one, ok stop looking let's move on.

Massive furry this 'Leshy' guy. I for one approve.

ODST stands for Original DEATH Sound Track

Actually really sweet of them to include my actual house in the game; "House after the flood."

I have never not killed the target with a gun, why would they give me guns if they wanted me to poison them?