Bought for da hotdogs, stayed for da feet.


I'm punking, I'm funking, let's play the Witcher 3

I do not like this video game.

All junkie war vets have crazy time powers!

I'm on the case and I'm gonna do it!

Videogame burn toy shop fire hot bright burn win beat walk house

Can't eat these marbles so that's a shame.

Coulda been so simple. Let me be the dinolady, but NO. Idiot game.

Not even a potion that turns me into a lizard girl what's even the point of visiting this stupid lab?

Alien and superhero, duking it out. I have to go now.

Just a guy in Payne. Maximum Payne. Even in his nayme.


They should add an update where you can throw Moss around and juggle her.

Top 10 Nuclear Throne memes:
10. When fish be rolling: 🤕
9. When Crystal shaking her thang: :D
8. When Plant be running: Reddit Nation Army
7. Crystal be like: I'm on a seefood diet
6. Eyes be like: I'm on a seefood diet
5. Melting be like: blurgle gurgle
4. Rebel be like: nuh uh
3. YV be like: Braapt
2. Robot be like: beep boop
1. Nucler Throne be like: Sit on me lol!

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Beautiful woman, turn into deer. Be free...