Zagreus, son of Hades, friend of me.

Oh look it's the stupid one, ok stop looking let's move on.

The jumpscare is so stupid he just takes a step going "shkeeeee!"

It's objectively the best one.

My friend told me about this game by saying it gave them nightmares and now I can tell you with 90% confidence the lore of the first 5 games so thanks a lot you dickhead you've ruined me.

T-boned the fuck out of shoemaker!!!

Fuck this review, the song i'm listening to is SLAPPING!

Sometimes the sickest parts of my mince like brain screech at me to do another run. One day I'm going to yield, what's another 8 hours after all?

I don't think it's possible for me to be any worse at a game.

What are they aiming at in the picture? Crazy men!

I mean fucking yeah... Fuck...