This isn't a review, but somehow this game is only 29MB. Where's the rest of the game Dunkey?!

Reviewed on May 09, 2024


12 days ago

no but seriously how the fuck did they put all that in there

11 days ago

Fun fact about the PS5 version: Apparently the image that shows up while you have it selected in the PS Menu is heavier than the entire game

11 days ago

@snowbright Yeah. I went to download the game and before I could even change tabs Steam said "Animal Well is ready to play". The game is legitimately smaller than many N64 games lol

@huntermask I believe it. I think my DSLR camera takes single photos that are larger than this entire game.

4 days ago

The game's developer, Billy Basso, made the engine all by himself. So there's no fluff like there is with titles that use Unity and the likes. The game is all pixelated too, so it makes sense that it would be very small. I guess for reference, Plaque Attack is like a 7 kilobyte file and cost $120 in 1983.