Fun fact: the game's writer pointed out that some franchises served as inspiration for the cinematic action (and feeling) of the game: 007 (mainly Casino Royale), the Bourne Trilogy, and the TV series Firefly.

Fun fact: on the original concept, "Alan Wake" was supposed to be an open world game. The idea was scrapped due to many reasons, but you can see a faint resemblance on some features in the final product, such as the mini map and the driving mechanic.

Fun fact: even though the franchise is still relevant, vermintide is based upon a discontinued property of Games Workshop, "Warhammer Fantasy". On the lore, this universe eventually gave away to the forces of chaos, and was reset by this god-like figure, Sigmar. Therefore, starting the new property "Warhammer: Age of Sigmar".

Fun fact: this game was withdrawn from the Japanese market in 2019 due to the arrest of Pierre Taki (actor for one of the main antagonists) for suspected cocaine use. While localizing the game for international markets, Taki's character was changed to eliminate the resemblance.

Fun fact: when the original game was under development at Square, Hiromichi Tanaka (director) had to fight Hironobu Sakaguchi (Final Fantasy creator) for more staff due to the lack of programmers. Apparently, their co-workers were being constantly reassigned to other projects such as Chrono Trigger.