This games company has the greatest trailers ever made. The games themselves? Not so good.


It kinda rips off Dead Cells but it's still really good, and somehow still better than Dead Cells.

It's a fine game to play if you're watching youtube or listening to an album.

A masterclass in showing how important it is to have good audio and visual design

This is the final form of Tetris, it doesn't get any better than this.

why does it take so long to load, and why does it keep crashing when i try to load it

edit: they fixed it it's stopped crashing at act 3

I cannot deny, that for a sports game they've found a lot of things to change for the better compared to most sports games.

but they've also COMPLETELY LOBOTOMIZED Custom Character Creation

I feel bad for not giving this game a 10/10 but the dialogue knocks it down a point for me. The atmosphere, music, visual design and concept are all so strong in this game but the dialogue is just kinda average at points.

This game had some of the best pixel art that had ever graced the PS1

Compelling storyline, everything else about it is either generic and bad

it's like looting in Skyrim but there's someone after you.

why didn't anyone ever tell me how fun Peggle is?

If this games' soundtrack doesn't end up on Spotify I'm gonna start throwing tables.

Me and my friends were doing shots every time we got hooked.


One of my biggest regrets as a video game collector was deleting this from my PS4 a day before it was taken off of the store