One of the worst games I've ever had the displeasure of playing. A ridiculous rigamarole of a story mixed with made up buzzwords to make the stupid plot sound more interesting, as well as incredibly boring game play that has almost no engagement until the last 1/3rd of the game, creates a genuinely unpleasant experience the whole way through. Do not let the fans of this "game" fool you. This game never gets good, it only gets a little better 30 hours in, and even then, the skeleton of the combat system is so terrible that no matter what they did to it it would still be awful. One thing people seem to love to defend is the art design and graphics, and while yes, the game has very high graphical fidelity for the time, I think the art design is horrendous. The world feels completely uninspired, there are no real towns with people living in it. Places like Midgar, Wutai, Dalmasca, Galdin Quay, and many other memorable parts of these games were made memorable by the fact they felt very genuine and lived-in, something FF13 falls flat at. This game does, however, have an incredible soundtrack and somewhat decent character writing, but please, don't waste your time.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2023
