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I don't give a fuck what anybody says best final fantasy of all TIME!!! first and favorite final fantasy and it will stay my favorite! Starting off the visuals for the games time are honestly STUNNING I mean just look at some of the clips and you'll see. The music is genuinely one of the best osts ive listened too, saying this at an unbiased standpoint that shit is top 5. All the characters (not snow fuck you) in the game are wonderful are pretty fucking cool (bias as FUCK for my boy sazh) The gameplay mechanics are def one of my favs, the paradigm system is just awesome and a unique (Imo since ive haven't seen anything like it) battle system, though there are some changes to be had with it. If this game had a remake I would defiantly add the option to switch characters like ff7 did but other than that its a great game mechanic. Level design wise I kind of agree with it not having an open world, im fine with ff13 not having an open world but I would like it if the levels were bigger sometimes (and had more loot) Talking about equipment, im also kind of not a fan of. This really goes to how you upgrade it, it seems you have to grind a lot to upgrade your gear and how you level it up is also weird. sometimes I just end up not paying attention to my gear and more towards general leveling. The story is decent, i would be glazing it but i kind of forgot about it. Overall my favorite final fantasy game, haters can go die in a ditch