A game for Half-Life 2 fans that loved the decaying Eastern European backlots more than the combat. Probably some of the best-looking Source can get, Infra takes you through a concrete-clad adventure, snapping photos of exposed rebar as you descend into the Totally-Not-Finnish city of Stalburg and the conspiracies underpinning it.

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I really don't mind many aspects of it - I find the co-dependence aspect interesting, main characters somewhat compelling, and art-style good (if looking a bit too much like someone consumed too much Hex Maniac hentai).

I wouldn't even mind the incest if it was written better! Don't get me wrong - obviously any decent person should be against this, but it's quite literally a game about a horrific relationship.

My main issue is the writing. It's just... edgy and pointless, and at times reads pretty much like a 2011-era tumblr, heterosexual BDSM post. I don't mind the subject matter at all - after all, it's intended as a horror game! - but the writing has times where it's phenomenally bad.

And it's a shame because, again, I don't mind the interpersonal drama aspects, I don't mind all the edgy, over-the-top murder and cannibalism, and the beginning's feeling of overwhelming impotence in the face of social murder is a very compelling setup.

Either way it was a couple hours i won't get back.

Substantially rewired my brain and made me a better person. Created with love in every regard, and a much deeper story politically than most "political" games have, all emphasized with the pornographic poverty of the locale the game takes place in - rendered, of course, in a downright lovely style.