It's a weird experience to play something that you've heard so much about for the first time. Especially when you have no expectations, only the knowledge of how influential it is. It's not a perfect game, but it does feel transcendent to the medium of video games. Kojima has famously gone on record about how much he loves film, and this really does feel like the first time that a game was able to emulate the qualities that make movies so great. It's flashy, it's goofy, it's over the top, it's dramatic, it's iconic. It's Metal Gear Solid.

I loved my time with it. It does some weird meta stuff (which I'm sure was mind blowing at the time), but it doesn't really hit me hard. It has a wacky story, told via SO MUCH exposition. It really makes me appreciate games that try to tell their story through their gameplay. The gameplay is well crafted, but it's hindered by it's control scheme and weird boss designs. You can find all sorts of stuff to nit-pick if you really try. None of this really effected how I felt by the end though, so I won't hamper on about it.

MGS is a game that's more than the sum of its parts. I loved it, and I don't have much to say beyond that. At least not much to say that hasn't already been said.

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2023
